Game Texture - Always Face Camera


Before you say this question has been asked multiple times, bear with me (it’s different)…

I want to get a texture within my scene to face my camera at a certain way. When I use:


It works fine, but I want my texture to appear more like a GUI, but with depth (so you can’t see it behind a game object).

Let me show:


Both the alert textures have the LookAt camera attached to them, and as you can see - its working, but not how I want.


This is how I want them to look. No matter where I am facing, the textures will always point ‘directly’ down the scene (instead of directly at the cloud point of the camera.

Any ideas how I can achieve this?

Could it be that you do not want them to face your position but instead to align with the opposite of your forward vector?

transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(-Camera.main.transform.forward);