Ok i have a nexus 7 tablet which is 800x1280 res in portrait mode. I am developing a game in unity and need the game window to accurately show the same screen size, i have tried using the android ones available and even adding my own one in but the ‘using resolution 607x971’ is coming up… problem is when i use that and put all my objects into position i then build out an APK and run it on my nexus 7, there is big spaces down the side of my screen and at the top and bottom as the devices screen is bigger than i am developing on in the game window within unity, there must b a way to solve this without just making things slightly bigger or moving them about inch by inch and constantly building out to compare? Any help would be appreciated because i am currently losing the will to live with this ! thanks…
Well first of all your screenshot from your device is 1000x1600, not 800x1280. Anyway what you see in Unity editor (607x971) is the maximum pixels it can get with the same aspect ratio (5:8), e.g. if you can stretch your game window in unity to give it more height it will be higher.
Now to get you into UI watch and read this:
Now after you have gone trough all of the above^ you either can make everything for different resolutions or use ScaleWithScreenSize with ScreenMatchMode of your choice and reference resolution of 800x1280, then position your elements using anchoring system and that’s it.
If you will not understand something then ask me in the comment section below.
ya, I never found a solution to this. But I think I know whats wrong, if its the same problem I had.
The game window is being shrunk down because it is not taking up 800x1280 on your monitor. if you have more then one monitor I would suggest popping the game window out and using it as big as you can get it without it shrinking down.
also are you talking about UI elements or game objects like polygons? because I’ve only had issues with the UI acting up on different resolutions.