Every time I hit Play, my Game window resets the scale to 1.3, so I have to drag it back to 1.0.
I’m in 16:9 Aspect, but I’m not sure it makes a difference.
Some discussion of a similar problem here (closing and opening game window does not fix for me):
I have 3 monitors, and my 1024x768 right-hand monitor (where I have my Console window) is set to 125%. Setting my right-hand monitor scale to 100% “fixes” this, but I can’t read the tiny console text then:).
I really just want the scale to stay wherever I last put it, rather than resetting every time I hit play. Sounds like a bug?
It didn’t behave like this for me with Unity 2021.3.25f1 LTS.
Edit: I just double-checked this with a very simple project, no 3rd-party stuff and no scripts at all, still happening in 2022.3.13f1 LTS, but not in 2021.3.25f1 LTS.