Game won't open (Gear S2)

I managed to develop part of my game to smartwatch (I’m currently using a Gear S2 for testing). I created the certificates and then did the build and run to the smartwatch after connecting it to my computer (following the steps Unity provides to do so).

The app shows up in the watch, but once I click it, nothing happens. It gets highlighted for a couple seconds, and nothing happens, then it just let me navigate through my apps again. The game works on emulator, though.

I read some people saying it has to do with Unity version, but I’m using 5.6.0p3 which I read that should work fine.

I have no idea of what I’m doing wrong because I get no erros both in the watch and Unity when building the game. Any help would be appreciated.

@ : tested with 5.4, nothing =(

Unity 5.5.x and 5.6.x doesn’t support tizen 2.3.x.
So please use 5.4.5p1 or p2 version for Gear S2.

(let me know result)

And for registering TPK for GalaxyApps(Gear Store :, you need to modify tizenmenifest.xml file manually. Officially, Unity doesn’t support wearable yet.
I’ll make a script then update a file on this thread.

Thank you @sukwon-suh ! I got the tpk running.
Okay! I’ll be waiting that script.

Attached script can modify TIZEN API version.

  1. Please copy this to /Assets/Editor/

  2. You can see menu on the Unity Editor.

  3. please check your environment in c# script.
    string output = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), “rebuild.tpk”);
    string tizen_sdk_tools = “C:/tizen-studio/tools”;
    string signingFileName = “s”;

// list dowan scene name to be imported to tpk
string[ ] levels = new string[ ] { “Assets/default.unity", "Assets/default2.unity” };

  1. This line can replace strings in tizen-manifest.xml file.
    lines[index] = lines[index].Replace(@“api-version=”“2.3"”“, @“api-version=”“2.3.1"””);

  2. Select MyTools > Tizen Build With Postprocess.

I tested it on UNITY 5.4.5p2 and TIZEN STUDIO 1.1.1 (Don’t use TIZEN STUDIO 1.2, I found problem just now, script doesn’t work on this)

  • How to downgrade Tizen Studio 1.1.1
    A. Change version on Package Manager > Configuration
    B. Select 1.1.1 > OK > Tizen SDK Tool will be removed

C. Reinstall Tizen SDK tools

D.Set CLI configuration again.
My case :
C:\tizen-studio\tools\ide\bin\tizen.bat cli-config “default.profiles.path=C:\Users\sukwonlaptop\workspace.metadata.plugins\org.tizen.common.sign\profiles.xml”


3075860–231431–TizenManifestXmlEditor.cs (3.39 KB)

1 Like

just modify 1 line as below.
//proc.StartInfo.Arguments = “package – "” + stagingFolder + “" --output "” + output + "" -t tpk -s " + signingFileName;
proc.StartInfo.Arguments = “package – "” + stagingFolder + "" -t tpk -s " + signingFileName;

Hi Sukwon,

Will doing this allow the app to be published to the gear store? I had a game with 25,000 downloads in the store sometime back which got banned because it was built in Unity, just wanted to see if this works around the issue.



Yes, If your app was rejected as using illegal whitelist(undocumented API) from the Store, this solution can help you.

Because UNITY 5.4.x supports TIZEN 2.3 and UNITY 5.5.x / 5.6.x support TIZEN 2.4.
But wearable Store allow TIZEN 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 only. That is the reason why Store reject UNITY games.
This solution can change API version of Unity Apps and there is no problem to register Unity Apps to Wearable Store.

And please use 5.4.5p2 version for wearable. because 5.5.x or higher version doesn’t support Tizen 2.3.

Additionally, it doesn’t mean Unity supports Tizen wearable profile. We are still considering it under discussion.

Thank you.

Understood :slight_smile: I’ve just finished setting this all up and published the build to the store and it went through fine. Thanks so much for your help Sukwon-suh you rock!!

I made some minor tweaks, but mainly to update paths and things and output some debug messages when things go wrong, but it worked great!

Thanks again,


Hello @sukwon-suh ,

I recently tried to publish my first Native App to tizen store , But validation team rejected it due to some whitelist issue (An API, which is not officially documented in the Tizen SDK, has been used in the source code of the Application package.) how can i resolve this and publish my Native App successfully
Notes: My application only has an api “dpm_security_wipe_data[erase]
App security report here

Please help me !
Thanks a lot !

3333521–259979–gear_core_whitelist.txt (30 Bytes)