Game works fine in editor, but throws UnityEngine.Bindings.ThrowHelper.ThrowNullReferenceException and breaks in WebGL build

I am using an asset from the unity asset store, Linkage, for my 2D game in order to create scales that players can weigh down on either side. Everything works well in the editor, but upon building for WebGL, the platforms fall as if the script from the asset were disabled. Checking console on the web version, this error is thrown:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
  at UnityEngine.Bindings.ThrowHelper.ThrowNullReferenceException (System.Object obj) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0

There are no errors in the editor. I suspect there may be a reference to an API that is unsupported by the build format in the asset’s script that is causing a reference to go missing, but I can’t find anything. I would paste the asset’s code here but it wasn’t free so I feel like that would be ripping off its creator. Let me know if I should paste anyway. Any help appreciated!

or the order of running has worked out differently given webgl is not so hot on threading

So, you need to do a dev build, get stacks and find out whats null

I’m pretty new to web development, can you give me a little more detail on how to debug without waiting for a build to finish every time a change is made?

You dont, just do a dev build/turn on stack traces etc

Try making a desktop build. If the same issue occurs there it’ll be easier and faster to analyze. I’m guessing it’s more likely a editor vs build issue rather than a web specific issue, unless the script is using something that is unsupported on the web.