GameCenter How to Track Score?

Hi Jeremy here, and I have my script (script below) that activates gamecenter and adds the game to gamecenter successfully and all that but I have not been able to figure out how to track the score of of my player and make it show up on the leaderboards in gamecenter? Its a simple high score based game like flappy bird but I can’t find any solid source on how to do it? Any help is greatly appreciated!

/// TnT_GameCenter
/// all gamecenter related sourcecode and tools
/// </summary>
public class TnT_GameCenter : MonoBehaviour 
		// -------------------------------
		// 			parameter
		// -------------------------------	
		// -------------------------------
		// 		private members
		// -------------------------------	
	private bool isLoggingIn = false;			// true if logging in, false while not
	private bool loggedIn = false;				// stores if the user is logged into the game center
		// -------------------------------
		//     standard monobehaviour
		// -------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Start this instance
		/// starts login into gamecenter if not disabled
		/// </summary>
	void Start () 
		isLoggedIn ();
		// -------------------------------
		//     public api
		// -------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Login this user
		/// </summary>
	public void login( )
		// login only if gamecenter is enabled
		if ( PlayerPrefs.GetInt ( "GameCenter", 1 ) == 0 )
		// now log in
		Debug.Log ( "Logging into Gamecenter" );
		if ( loggedIn == true )
		if ( isLoggingIn == true )
		isLoggingIn = true;
		Social.localUser.Authenticate (ProcessAuthentication);
		/// <summary>
		/// checks if user is logged in
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>
		/// Ttrue if logged in
		/// </returns>
	public bool isLoggedIn ( )
		Debug.Log ( "USER : " + Social.localUser );
		return loggedIn;
		/// <summary>
		/// Saves the game score at the leaderboard of gamecenter
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name='ship'>
		/// Ship to save
		/// </param>
		/// <param name='score'>
		/// Score to save
		/// </param>
	public void saveGameScore ( string ship, int score )
		// only if gamecenter is enabled
		if ( !isLoggedIn () )
		// report global score
		Social.ReportScore ( score, "grp.Best", ScoreSubmitted );
		// report ship based score
		if ( ship == "SpaceCab" )
			Social.ReportScore ( score, "grp.SpaceCab", ScoreSubmitted );
		if ( ship == "BA75" )
			Social.ReportScore ( score, "grp.BA75", ScoreSubmitted );
		if ( ship == "DartX" )
			Social.ReportScore ( score, "grp.DartX", ScoreSubmitted );
		if ( ship == "SR1" )
			Social.ReportScore ( score, "grp.NovaSR1", ScoreSubmitted );
		if ( ship == "CobraMKIII" )
			Social.ReportScore ( score, "grp.CobraMKIII", ScoreSubmitted );
		if ( ship == "DMC" )
			Social.ReportScore ( score, "grp.DMC", ScoreSubmitted );
		Debug.LogError ( "Unknown ship " + ship ); 
		/// <summary>
		/// Reports the progress of an achievement
		/// </summary>
	public void reportProgress ( string achievementId, double progress )
		Debug.Log ( "REPORTING ACHIEVEMENT : " + achievementId );
		if ( !isLoggedIn () )
		Social.ReportProgress ( achievementId, progress, AchievementSubmitted );
		// -------------------------------
		//    internal tool functions
		// -------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// called when the gamecenter login is finished
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name='success'>
		/// tells if the authentication was successfull
		/// </param>
	void ProcessAuthentication (bool success) 
		isLoggingIn = false;
        if (success) 
            Debug.Log ("Authenticated, checking achievements");
			this.loggedIn = true;
			Social.LoadAchievements ( LoadedAchievements );
            Debug.Log ("Failed to authenticate");
			this.loggedIn = false;
		/// <summary>
		/// callback for reportScore
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name='success'>
		/// Success true if submission of score succeeded
		/// </param>
	void ScoreSubmitted ( bool success )
		if ( !success )
			Debug.LogWarning ( "Failed to submit score" );
			Debug.Log ( "submitted score succesfull" );
		/// <summary>
		/// callback for reportScore
		/// </summary>
	void AchievementSubmitted ( bool success )
		if ( !success )
			Debug.LogWarning ( "Failed to submit achievement" );
			Debug.Log ( "Submitted achievement successfull" );
		/// <summary>
		/// callback for achievements loaded
		/// </summary>
	void LoadedAchievements ( IAchievement[] achievements ) 
        if (achievements.Length == 0)
            Debug.Log ( "No Achievments found" );
            Debug.Log ("Got " + achievements.Length + " achievements");

Use ILeaderboard.localUserScore.value for that (see documentation).
A few things to know, because ILeaderboard is a bit unpredictable:

  • you need to query scores first using LoadScores in order for localUserScore to have a value (otherwise will return zero).
  • you can send one LoadScores request at the time (you can’t query multiple leaderboards at the same time, otherwise only the last one you queried will actually be processed - the rest will all return zero).
  • Ideally you want to filter users when querying LoadScores to only return the score for your local users (for faster query):

Here’s an example, set in authentication callback:

void ProcessAuthentication (bool success) {

	if (success) {
		Debug.Log ("Authenticated, checking high scores for user:" + );

		string[] users = { } = LEADERBOARD_HI_SCORE_ID;
		leaderboardHiScore.SetUserFilter (users);
		leaderboardHiScore.LoadScores (OnHiScoresLoaded);

void OnHiScoresLoaded (bool success) {
	if (success) {
		int gcHiScore = (int)leaderboardHiScore.localUserScore.value;