Gamedev Inspired AI Music Thread

So I was thinking of inventive ways to procrastinate (as one does) and I got to thinking “How fun would it be to do one of those AI music threads?”

There’s a lot of frustrations pent up in these parts and and one of the best ways to let it all out is through music, doesn’t seem to be much Unity news anyhow! Also a bit nostalgic for the days we could come online and post fun, stupid s#@t and we didn’t get too bent out of shape over everything.

So what the heck? Let’s give this a shot.

Not everyone is a fan of AI, but what could be edgier than talking smack about said AI software with said AI software?

I encourage you guys to wait till you’re done with work, grab a drink put on some headphones and enjoy some of the creations people are throwing up in this thread in a relaxed, dark environment.

I hope if anyone chooses to partake we keep this mostly in good spirits and try not to single anyone out or talk too much sh*t (no matter how much we disheveled souls deserve it in the aftermath of the runtime fee fallout now that we’re all hulking, irradiated neckbeards who feed on s#|tposts in this crazed wasteland).

So anyway! Here are a couple options if you feel like taking part:

(the longer tracks cost more credits)
(you can download the song and then upload to YouTube)
If you think this thread is dumb, that’s fine and I welcome the feedback, I ask only that you provide it through song with AI generated music.

Feel free to make songs about whatever you want so long as it’s kinda gamedev related: Your asset store asset, your frustrations with code, Unity debacles, design, animation, shaders, whatever! I think the more bizarrely technical yet soulful, the funnier some of these creations might be.

*Lots of these songs are up on YouTube and after a quick look at their terms it appears you’re free to post this stuff so long as you aren’t trying to monetize the music or steal their algorithms
If this thread is against the rules or whatever, I guess do whatcha gotta do.

Here’s my contribution to kick the thread off:

It’s amazing what a text prompt and new-age AI tech can do to make one feel like a competent musician as the human spirit is wretched from our creative spaces by machines :rofl:

That said, some of this music gives chills in more ways than one…

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