if you haven’t heard of turbosquid.com you should go check out, pages and pages of free or cheap models
but those same guys have a beta of GameFlood out
which seems like a myspace for game-developers
it has settings for animators programmers scripters writers producers etc etc and a drop box for beginner expert or intermediate in those specific areas, and it lets others browse by there needs for team members
i think its really cool and its worht checking out
heres my profile, add me if you make an account
Looks like great games experiment except more geared towards mods and powered by turbosquid instead of garage games. Interesting but if GGE is any judge, pretty useless too. Especially since I don’t play any real games or make mods.
Hah, just when I’m getting to release my new site, it seems a bunch of similars have been popping up (I’ve been working on this on and off for about four years). Take a look at Creative Guild if you get a chance. Right now it’s a basic shopping site for game dev tools, music and video production, as well as the finished products of artists’ works. Phase 2, which is coming soon, will allow everyone to sell or give away their creations (whether that be models, textures, sound effects or full finished games and videos) as well as a bio section, media showcase section, calendar and more. Also artist networking will be heavily featured.
I have some free stuff up now and will announce more when it’s ready. Some nice things about it are it’s not run by a large company, we’re not looking to extract huge profits, you can sell/buy/meet artists of all types so a programmer could find a great artist for instance.
I have some free games and sample instruments up for now.
i dont do any mods either, when you make the account it has options for whether or not you make mods
then it has a bunch of check boxes like ,programmer,animation,character modeling ETC.
then it has checkbox’s for what genres youd like to work in and all of those checkbox’s are searchable, then you can post projects and people send you a msg if they want to be a part of it or you can browse for team members based on the box’s they have checked
looking through the posted plans, 40% of people are doing mods, most of them are new games being made through free open source engines
i think if it takes off it could be really useful