Ugh. First, I just wanna say, to all those people who help programming noobs like me, thanks. You, all of you people who help others, thank you.
Now, onto the question. I am trying to create a very VERY simple script to where these are called in an animation. The cam looks to the left, hears breathing, looks to the right sees monster, then it is supposed to open a GUITexture with the games main Banner on it. But, sadly, it won’t load the texture AT ALL. I have tried Awake and Start, but it won’t do anything. I have tried Debug.Logging it. It is active when the animation calls it but it doesn’t show. I have tried all of my lacking knowledge of how to fix an otherwise working script, but it won’t show the GUI. Here is the script:
#pragma strict
var EBanner : GameObject;
var LevelNum : int;
var BreathingAudio : AudioSource;
function Start ()
{ = false;
function Breathing ()
function Banner ()
{ = true;
Just a tip about the LevelNum variable, it is going to load the next scene after I fix this problem. I figure, that if this won’t work, I may do it via the animation window. Anyways, any tips?