GameObject as toggle button with touch

I’m trying to make a gameobject as a toggle button which works with touch. here’s my code which works but there’s a problem. if you don’t release your finger from screen the toggle button keeps toggling . I’m looking for something like “OnMouseRelease” function.

function FixedUpdate()
  var theTouch : Touch = Input.GetTouch(0);
  var ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(theTouch.position);
    var hitTag = hit.transform.tag;
     //do actions

I tried to embrace it with a condition of TouchPhase.Began but it didn’t work either . I also tried to add a boolean as a condition and make it active by a delay with yield but it didn’t work either.

TouchPhase.Began should work. Could you test it in Update instead of FixedUpdate?

And please take a look at this question.