gameobject.find with Network.Instaniate help?

Hello there, I am working on a click to move strategy game that will requires much interaction between multiple network instaniated objects by multiple players. ive worked out quite a bit of interaction between test objects on one machine but now I am having some problems getting started with Network.Instantiate. I have network views attached but cant seem to detect anything on the network through raycast or spherecast. also even though the Network.Instantiated objects show in the hierarchy I cant seem to lookup the transforms to share varibles. any info would help.

here is my host code creating my object:

if (Network.isServer){bigbrain = Network.Instantiate(startbigbrain, Vector3(286,1084,1065) , Quaternion.identity,0);}

here is the code used by the client that is NOT working:


I have a networkview attatched so both machines camera can see my objects but that’s about all. I was thinking maybe there is something I am missing?


Instead of looking for the object by name, you could look for it based on the scripts it has attached via GameObject.FindObjectsOfType

However, I would personally have each object register to a manager class of some type when they are spawned.

I had an idea today. I think I am going to take a very different approach on this one. Having multiple machines intantiating dozens of object and trying to somehow keep track of all of them and there interactions through miles of rpc code over the network might not be practicle or possible.

I think I am going to attempt to have only the host machine do everything. All the instantiating, interations and data for all players will be done on the host machine only.

the only thing the client players will do send mouse click positions and key inputs to the host players machine.

so the clients machines are really doing nothing besides just sorta spectating positions of the objects through simple networkview components.

im very new to networking so hopefully this way I can skip over learning all the complicated stuff and just figure out a couple very simple rpc calls to send some basic inputs to the host!