GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag() isn't working.

I’m trying to find objects with a certain tag, but this:

GameObject[] rootElements = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("UIRootElement");

isn’t working for some reason. The objects definitely exist with the correct tag, but it just never finds anything.

Running this code:

var allObjects = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject[]; // grab all gameobjects
foreach (GameObject obj in allObjects) {
    if (obj.tag == "Untagged") continue;

    if (obj.CompareTag("UIRootElement"))

finds my 2 GameObjects with the correct tag, but I don’t think this is a very good solution and I’d like to know why GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag isn’t working.

Hi, I’m not on my workstation at the moment so I can’t test that, but are your tagged GameObjects active? Inactive objects will not show up in find results.

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Yes, they are active.

Can you show the objects in the scene that you are trying to find? Please show their position in the hierarchy as well as the inspector window.