Here’s my script:
#pragma strict
var CrystalHealth : float = 100;
var Effect : GameObject;
var GemSpawner : GameObject;
function Update() {
var Bomb = GameObject.FindWithTag("Bomb");
if (CrystalHealth<=0) {
Instantiate(GemSpawner, this.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
function OnCollisionEnter(Bomb : Collision) {
Instantiate(Effect, this.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
When the object who has the script attached to it collides with…anything, also with object that hasn’t the tag “Bomb”, the CrystalHealth goes to 0 and the object destroys himself. How can i fix this? I’ve also tried using GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag and GameObject.Find. Nothing. Please help me!