In a script I got a reference to an object’s sprite renderer with the code
renderer = gameObject.GetComponent();
This gave me a C# warning CS0108, hides inherited member. I get rid of this warning, however, when I change the code to:
renderer = GetComponent();
In the same script, I use gameObject.GetComponent in order to get a reference to the Animator that is a child of this game object.
How can I tell the difference when I should be using gameObject vs not using gameObject?
Ok so:
Every script you write in Unity inherits from MonoBehaviour.Unity - Scripting API: MonoBehaviour
MonoBehaviour extends from Component Unity - Scripting API: Component
Component has a method called GetComponent: Unity - Scripting API: Component.GetComponent
However the GetComponent on Component really just proxies to GetComponent on GameObject as we can see in the Unity source code: UnityCsReference/Runtime/Export/Scripting/Component.bindings.cs at 61f92bd79ae862c4465d35270f9d1d57befd1761 · Unity-Technologies/UnityCsReference · GitHub
In other words:
is basically just a shortcut way of saying myComponent.gameObject.GetComponent
. There is no real difference between them, and you should prefer the shorter version for brevity.
As for your C# warning CS0108
, it has nothing to do with how you’re calling GetComponent, and it has everything to do with the fact that you have a field/property called “renderer” which hides a property on Component called “renderer”: UnityCsReference/Runtime/Export/Scripting/Component.deprecated.cs at 61f92bd79ae862c4465d35270f9d1d57befd1761 · Unity-Technologies/UnityCsReference · GitHub
AH, ok, I understand the difference now, and I understand where the warning came from.
Thank you for the detailed response, I appreciate it.
Thank you very much! This really clarifies the confusion I’ve been having why GetComponent appears both in Component and GameObject