Gameobject Inspector display is ... different

Hi, I’m quite new using unity, and I’m having a little problem with the gameobject Inspector that I can’t figure out how to solve after a long google search.

So what happens is that it looks like this:

And it’s kind of annoying since I can’t use the dropdown to select layers/tags and the checkboxes for enable/disable the gameobject, and the static checkbox.

Does anyone have a solution for this?

You seem to have accidentally activated the ‘Debug’ mode of the inspector, to toggle it back to ‘normal’ mode, click the dropdown box at the top right, then click ‘normal’.

Image example:

alt text

Thanks for the reply, however it didn’t solve the problem it looks like it was already on normal mode:

For me, this happened when I had a class extending the Editor with this class Attribute:

public class ObjectPlacer : Editor
     //your code...

Apparently, this breaks the Gameobject view in the Inspector if you do (typeof(GameObject))

I solved this by using a class to only execute the Editor extention only when a GameObject with the given component was selected. So it looked like this:

public class ObjectPlacer : Editor
     //your code...

Hope this helps!