Hi all,
I´m having a little problem with my current development process…
When my player dies, the gameObject is deactivated.
So far so good.
In my game I have moving platforms with a parenting code like this, to make him move with the platform.
void OnCollisionExit2D(Collision2D other)
if (other.transform.tag == "MovingPlatform")
transform.parent = null;
onPlatform = false;
The problem is:
If my player dies, while still being “part” of the moving platform, I receive the error in the title.
What could I do to prevent this?
Already tried some player == null stuff.
If I do so, the player is going for a wild imaginary ride on the moving platform from the position of the respawn… I guess he never realized, he left the moving platform that way.
Help pls. I don´t know what to do…
@misanthropowitsch I had a similar issue where even after I disabled my GameObject the trigger that it was in would still make a call the OnTriggerExit2D method even though I disabled the object. The OnTriggerExit2D would also try to disable the object and was clashing with me manually disabling it.
Try this: as soon as the player should die (and BEFORE you disable it) disable all Collider2D components on the object.
Collider2D[] colliders = GetComponentsInChildren<Collider2D>();
foreach (var collider in colliders){
collider.enabled = false;
Then in your OnEnable method re-enable the colliders
Collider2D[] colliders = GetComponentsInChildren<Collider2D>();
foreach (var collider in colliders){
collider.enabled = true;
NOTE: The GetComponentsInChildren will also get any Collider2D component that is on the main object. I’m just suggesting this because I don’t know how your object is set up.
For those who find this in the future, see this thread
Basically, use a public method to set parent before enabling / disabling
In this case, have a public method to set player’s parent to null before deactivatng player object