GameObject moving different in a build than normally

I’m creating a game called Stick Into It and I just did a build.

The problem happens at levels with buttons, let me explain:

On a build, when you press the button a GameObject moves down but the GameObject moves slower in a build than normally

this is the MoveBoxY script that gets controlled by the Button script:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class MoveBoxY : MonoBehaviour
    private Vector3 posStart;
    public float posY;
    void Start()
        posStart = transform.position;
    void Update()
        transform.position = posStart + new Vector3(0, posY, 0);

This is the Button script:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Button : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject parent;
    public delegate void Event();
    public bool useMoveBoxYScript;
    [Tooltip("The 'MoveBoxY' script on a GameObject that will be enabled")]
    public MoveBoxY moveBoxYScript;
    public bool useRotateBoxZScript;
    [Tooltip("The 'RotateBoxZ' script on a GameObject that will be enabled")]
    public RotateBoxZ rotateBoxZScript;
    private bool pressed;
    void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collidedObj)
        if (collidedObj.CompareTag("Stick"))
            parent.GetComponent<Animator>().enabled = true;
            if (!pressed)
                pressed = true;
            if (useMoveBoxYScript)
                moveBoxYScript.enabled = true;
            if (useRotateBoxZScript)
                rotateBoxZScript.enabled = true;
    // This is the moving part
    void Update()
        if (useMoveBoxYScript && moveBoxYScript.enabled && moveBoxYScript.posY >= -6.5)
            moveBoxYScript.posY = moveBoxYScript.posY - 0.01f;
        if (useRotateBoxZScript && rotateBoxZScript.enabled && rotateBoxZScript.rotZ < 180)
            rotateBoxZScript.rotZ = rotateBoxZScript.rotZ + 0.5f;

Can someone please help me? I’m using Unity 2020.3.3f1 and the problem only happens in a build.

Hey, on update, you should multiply your movement value with Time.deltaTime or you can use FixedUpdate. Update works differently with different frame rates

Thank you @kemalarslan!

This is the first time I got an answer on a question and it works!

It was so hard to get it working!

This works (button script):
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Button : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject parent;
    public delegate void Event();
    public bool useMoveBoxYScript;
    [Tooltip("The 'MoveBoxY' script on a GameObject that will be enabled")]
    public MoveBoxY moveBoxYScript;
    public bool useRotateBoxZScript;
    [Tooltip("The 'RotateBoxZ' script on a GameObject that will be enabled")]
    public RotateBoxZ rotateBoxZScript;
    private bool pressed;
    void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collidedObj)
        if (collidedObj.CompareTag("Stick"))
            parent.GetComponent<Animator>().enabled = true;
            if (!pressed)
                pressed = true;
            if (useMoveBoxYScript)
                moveBoxYScript.enabled = true;
            if (useRotateBoxZScript)
                rotateBoxZScript.enabled = true;
    void Update()
        if (useMoveBoxYScript && moveBoxYScript.enabled && moveBoxYScript.posY >= -6.5)
            moveBoxYScript.posY = moveBoxYScript.posY - Time.deltaTime * 10;
        if (useRotateBoxZScript && rotateBoxZScript.enabled && rotateBoxZScript.rotZ < 180)
            rotateBoxZScript.rotZ = rotateBoxZScript.rotZ + Time.deltaTime * 10;