Good evening,
I’ve got a quiet annoying problem…
I need to get the scale of a GameObject, unlike transform.localScale which gives me (1, 1, 1) as the default scale of my model, I need to get the scale as coordinates (or the coordinate system’s units).
I hope you understand what I mean.
It sounds very simple but I can’t find any solution.
Thank you for each answer!
I suppose that you want to get the actual dimensions of the object in world units - am I right? If so, you could get the collider, renderer or mesh bounds: the bounding box is an axis aligned box that fully encloses the object, and is expressed in world units. There’s a problem, however: since it’s axis aligned, a long object may appear bigger than it actually is if there’s any rotation. If you want a more precise evaluation of actual dimensions, you must get the mesh vertices, multiply by the scale and find the max and min of each axis - something like this:
function GetDimensions(obj: GameObject): Vector3 {
var min: Vector3 = * Mathf.Infinity;
var max: Vector3 = * Mathf.NegativeInfinity;
var mesh: Mesh = obj.GetComponent(MeshFilter).mesh;
for (var vert: Vector3 in mesh.vertices){
min = Vector3.Min(vert);
max = Vector3.Max(vert);
// the size is max-min multiplied by the object scale:
return Vector3.Scale(max-min, obj.transform.localScale);