As shown in the first image, the transforms are being populated accordingly, but whenever I try to do a transform.gameObject.setActive(true/false), the game object within the prefab doesn’t respond.
I tried referencing the scriptable object from a separate script, but the results were the same. I was wondering if this was the intended behavior. Let me now if more information is needed
That’s actually legit… I’ve seen systems that have a ScriptableObject which is used as a master reference, such as to a prefab, and contains code to make an instance of it.
You technically CAN even use the ScriptableObject to store this reference (obviously in a different variable), but it will never be persisted to disk. In that case, for clarity, you might want to either make it private or otherwise decorate it with [System.Nonserialized] for instance.
More likely is you pass this Instance reference onto something else that manages runtime stuff and keep the SO as pure “master copy of everything” purposes.