gameObject.tag = "player"; breaks code

I’m trying to switch my weapons on my character when the space bar is pressed. I had it before where it would change the prefab but my AI that followed the player then stopped. I changed it up so the player carries both weapons but the second weapon has “ = false;” on the start method.

This is the code I have

void Update () 
		if (Input.GetKeyDown ("space")) 
			if (gameObject.tag == "Pitchfork")
				gameObject.tag = "Player"; = false; = true;
			if (gameObject.tag == "Player")
				gameObject.tag = "Pitchfork"; = false;

Once the code hits “gameObject.tag = “Player”;” it doesn’t allow for anymore. It just sits there not even changing the weapon, if I take that line of code out it switches the weapon but there’s no going back to the other one.

If the tag is “Pitchfork”, then you set the tag to “Player”, and then the next if statement immediately sets it back to “Pitchfork”. Use else if, or use switch/case instead.

Also, you should use CompareTag instead of string comparisons. Use KeyCode.Space instead of a string in GetKeyDown. is obsolete; use GameObject.SetActive.