Hi, so we’re working on a game and are using URP 14.0.8 on Unity 2022.3.8f with Forward+ rendering but it seems that some custom shaders from imported plugins are having flickering issues.
I found this thread https://forum.unity.com/threads/forward-broken-with-reflection-probe-node-in-shadergraph.1427850/ and this issue https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/gameobject-texture-flickers-when-applying-shader-graph-reflection-probe-node basically describing the problem and showing off how it looks like and in this thread https://forum.unity.com/threads/sg-reflection-probe-node-urp-14-0-4-flickers.1374342/#post-8707341 there’s a mention of turning off SRP Batcher fixing the issue and that’s the solution we are using currently. But obviously we’d like to have SRP Batcher on due to it’s affect on performance.
The issue tracker also states it has been fixed but only in other versions of unity, so I’m not sure what would be the best approach of sorting this out? We also can’t edit the shaders themselves as they come from the plugins.
Thank you for any possible help!!!