GameObjects change position on Play

Hi guys, I’m having this issue with my game where my 2d objects suddenly change position on Play. In my 2D scene I have a top down sandbox playground sort of thing built, with north south east west walls and a ground, and 2 balls resting in the middle of the ground (0, 0, 0). The weird thing is that on Play, the 2 balls will suddenly snap to the nearest wall, if I position a ball closer to the north wall (0, 1, 0), then it will snap to that wall while the other ball might snap to a different wall that it is closest too. I don’t have any scripts attach to my balls or the ground. The balls have a Sprite Renderer, RigidBody2D, and CircleCollider 2D attached.

I’ve been stuck on an annoying issue for quite a bit of time, looked everywhere online and haven’t found a solution to my problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks!

Have narrowed the problem down to the circle collider, but have no idea why it would cause that

Post an example project for us to take a look.

Ah I got it, had to do with the BoxCollider on the ground, thanks a lot!

Couldnt have solved it without me ^_~

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