Hey everyone!
I have a Canvas with some UI elements (UI buttons, etc.) and some GameObjects. The GameObjects have only the Sprite Renderer component attached to them.
When i use the Simulator and pick a phone, everything shows up as intended. However, when i pick any iPad device, my GameObjects disappear and only the UI elements show up. At first i thought it was a tablet specific issue, but Android tablet simulators seem to be working fine. Apple phones seem to be working as well.
What might be the issue here?
The first place I would look is to anchoring and scaling. You can test your UI at higher or lower pixel settings by setting custom resolutions in the Game window, or just resizing it manually.
Here are some notes on UI Anchoring, Scaling, CanvasScaler, etc:
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Greetings Kurt and thank you for your response! I have looked at the threads that you’ve linked and i must say that the second one seems to have almost the same issue that i’m experiencing. I’m going to try the suggested solutions and i also am going to take a deeper look at my current UI.
Just decided to update the thread: i have resolved the issue, though i’m not sure whether it was resolved by adjusting the anchors or changing some of the Transform values on the objects as i’ve done both. Hope it’ll provide some help to those who have the same issue.