Gamepads are not being detected in the newest version of Unity (2019.3.14f1) with new Input System

Just updated my Editor to 2019.3.14f1 from 2019.3.13f1 last night.
And gamepads are not being recognized to Unity AGAIN.
I’ve had this issue with 2019.3.13f1 and fixed it yesterday by re-creating my InputActionMap from scratch,
but after the Editor update that doesn’t work either.

That’s the entire story so I don’t have much to add, but it’s not just not recognized via InputDebugger but also in script there’s no gamepad device connection recognized.(Tested again with 1 Dualshock 4, 2 Xbox One)

I’m on the same version on macOS.

Steelseries Nimbus works via lightning cable (seems to be a macOS problem).

XBOX one Controller works.