OK, I’m hard at work on a “sort of soccer” shareware game. It will get done well before The Illusionist, hopefully by the end of summer (screen shots and news to follow soon).
Here’s the general idea … imagine a cross between soccer, marbles, crokinole, golf and curling.
Object: From just back of centre field, kick the ball into the goal in a first-person viewpoint. The opposing “team” players will be on the field (3D models) “defending” in a non-moving formation … tougher formations for tougher levels of play. If your shot hits an opponent it’s “turn over”. The opposing goal keeper will be a bit more interactive
I’m hoping to offer three different types of game play each with three levels of difficulty.
So, here are my game play ideas so far:
Time limit. You have only a limited time (based on difficulty chosen) to score as many goals as possible. A goal adds one and resets you back to the centre of the field. Hitting an opponent with your shot also resets you but the timer keeps counting down.
Fixed number of balls. You have a limited number of balls (based on difficulty chosen) to score as many goals as possible. If you hit an opponent you lose a ball and get reset to centre.
What other sort of game play can I offer? Any ideas? What sort of wacky ideas could I use for a third game play option? Maybe having your player figures on field too and you have to “pass” it to them to continue to shoot? Anything I should do to modify the ones above?
Kudos to Eric5h5 for the superb! 3D stadium model that will also offer advertising banners in game for sponsors.
Thanks and looking forward to your input.
PS. A hockey game will follow based on this idea.