gaming company name

i dunno where to ask this in the forums, so im gonna post it here>> im wondering how do i go about having a name for my gaming company >> do i have to buy a business license for the company name if im going to be an indie ? i know i don’t need a gaming company name, but id rather get one if it costs nothing … if it costs to have one, how much does it cost ? what are the legalities about this gaming company name idea ? i would be thankful if i could get any help with this… thanks for your time and interest

consult the chamber of commerce in your area.

thanks, will do

You have to copyright the name. I got a copyright for my company to secure it’s name. It has been 12 years since I did it and I think it cost $100 to start the business. Watch out for taxes when you start up a business, it is a good idea to get IRS tax lawyers to watch your back on tax policies concerning income.

nope… you’re confusing 2 elements…

copyrighting is automaticly done by anything you publish/sell/deliver.

However, Registered Branding ®, or trademarking ™, for either the brandname and/or the product name is costly, and starts arround 800 USD per x amount of years for a small region (e.g. only USA)
And is held against strict rules before the signup is granted by the authorities.
It only protects you against illegal copies of your brand and/or product name(s), phoneticly, visually.
If you want to protect your ideas, or ingredients, you need to signup up for a patent. (which is even more costly)

The cost for the chamber of commerce and the tax service number, together is arround 100 USD startup. (everybody can do this)