Gap between sprite billboards and shadows

I’m using sprite billboards and cross sprites in my 3D game and I’m having an issue where there is a noticeable gap between the sprite and the shadow.

8436470--1117565--Shadow Issues.png

I’m using URP and Unity version 2021.3.5f1

Also I’m using a material with a custom (very simple) shader graph:

Any ideas on how I could fix this?

The same effect appears to occur in HDRP when shadowing a thin mesh.
Can use the Sun Light’s Angular Diameter to work around this. but note that all shadows are effected on things that share the same light layer.


Adjust shadow Depth\Normal Bias in render pipeline asset.



Thanks for the reply, don’t think I can modify that on a directional light though right?


Thanks! This is looking much better, though still not perfect

8436770--1117646--new Shadows.png

Here are my shadow settings in case anyone has some more tip[s on tweaks, but yeah it’s looking much better :slight_smile:

8436770--1117649--Shadow settings.png