Well I exaggerate a little, but this thread is pretty entertaining. Good to see Aras in there correcting the mis-info about Unity:
I think Torque is going to experience some serious drops in sales and defections when Unity 2.5 is released with it’s Windows Editor. :twisted:
i think the same.
I also posted a question there, cause he wrote torque would be more capable and mature than unity, so yeah, i asked in which ways he thinks that´s the case. curious to see if/what they reply.
don´t want to start a flamebait but yeah, can´t leave such a statement without any propper argument to back it listed.
Brett Seyler is their Business Development guy. I bet you and I actually know a lot more about the technical merits of the respective engines! [edit- well perhaps not. But he is the BizDev guy.]
I just think the whole way they are marketing the new Torque3d is like a freaking Soap Opera
well,i got some nice replies now but i can´t post any reply back because for whatever reason the comment system now always cuts off my replies there.
i´ll just post my reply here cause i´ve seen some gg guys visit these forums so maybe they see it:
fair enough and yeah, my question wasn´t due to intendíng to drop a shot at torque or its community, its just that i tried both unity and torque and now use unity for several months. If someone states something as you did and compares both like that then i wonder about the reasoning and would like to hear arguments if there are some.
I´m not a fanboy of one particular engine, tech,language etc, i´m looking forward to the new version of your engine, just yeah, when you make such comparisons, sure some people wonder, maybe disagree and start arguing.
Brett Seyler said some interesting things there (next to some other fellas there) :
I’ve said before btw, that I think Unity is really doing good stuff for games, and they should be commended for their efforts. They deserve the success they’ve had to this point and I think there’s plenty of room for both Torque and Unity to thrive.
totally agree with all.
It’s my impression that they are less concerned with advancing the power of their engine tech, or reaching platforms like the xbox and ps3 than they are concerned with making a case for adoption in web dev over flash as a provider of richer content. In this respect, you bet…this is good for games and good for indies. Flash has been stagnant for years and needs a good kick in the pants to really move richer content on the web.
–>coming from the stance of being a longtime flash developer and being disappointed with the (lack of) progress there i surely agree with the flash remark, dunno though, with adding wii and iPhone deploy support i sure felt like UT is intending to support more and more deploy targets with time, so its already far beyound just being the nicer flash for the web thing.
I would rather see GG and Unity work together to undermine and disrupt the status quo than end up slugging it out and harming each other to the detriment of both our overall efforts.
–>Nice, yeah
Again, this is why I don’t want Torque to be focused on AAA…it’s not a growing space…casual is growing, web gaming is growing, and the sort of mid-core / mid-budget games appear to be growing as well. The latter isn’t yet a well defined space, but it appears to be huge, and that’s where I think Torque fits the best.
–>man, it all sounded so nice, let´s all be friends and work together; unitl the last sentence
Then again in his position its understandable it ends with such a line
Personally,yeah, i think its great when there are more quality engines around so bring it on and let us enjoy em all for what they are good for
I never thought for a second that it was, and I agree with your premise. To be clear, I never stated anything concerning unity though, but some have in that thread. I don’t think they did so meaning to be negative.
I have every intention of licensing Unity as soon as 2.5 comes out (have several licenses and frequent many communities, and Unity’s community is a very nice one). I have 4 computers, and buying another even for Unity is not an option lol.
Peace, ~LK~ (Andrew)
All cool then And yeah, some maybe just weren´t informed well about the differences so i don´t see that as bashing attempt
Haha,yeah understandable
(Though man, 4 computers and none is a mac? Better get rid of one of the pcs and get a mac )
Cool on getting 2.5, looking forward to hear your feedback then just as i´m looking forward to try out the new gg engine
Also: welcome to the forum
Well always this “has engine sources” issue with Torque. Personally I think you NEED the engine sources in order to get Torque half-way running like it is promised. I never had any need in Unity for the sources because it just works like promised, other than Torque. And I know what I’m talking about after 6 years of Torque engine close-combat experience.
i agree, as long as unity continues to make great updates and even regular dot updates with lots of wicked improvements and aditions i don´t see any need for the source code either; its the opposite, i don´t want the source code cause otherwise there would be a temptation to mess with it and then i´d waste time on that instead of working on games and then i´d have to reimplemeent the engine changes i made for every unity update. I´m more than happy with how it is, UT makes awesome updates and i pay happily for every full version update and i´m also cool with paying for every further supported deploy target i can use. I understand that some always want source code or for some engines source code is required because otherwise one can´t do many things, but yeah, as long as that´s not the case with UT i couldn´t care less about source code access.
to albertzak: yeah, that was the post i replied to initially…
“… I look at products like Flash ($699) or 3ds Max ($3495) / Maya ($4995) and compare them with Torque. Torque is more complex from an engineering perspective and Torque is in a smaller, more niche market. …” (Brett Seyler)
Really funny read. Does that guy really believe that Torque is more complex than Maya or 3DS Max.
Funny thing they are talking about what the price will be with some of the comments over on the post suggesting $1,000, FOR INDIE! Isn’t that crazy. Here it’s $199 for Indie and $1500 for Pro. What are they thinking over there. If they’re going to charge that kind of money for that product, then they better make damn sure it’s not as hard to use. Quite frankly, Unity is going to give them a run for the money. Also, he did mention that Unity is focused on making Web Flash games. Funny, last time I checked I will be able to create a package for you to download and play from. It also has the ability to do Web Games which is a bonus. Which Torque cannot do unless you run it through that Instant Action crap of theirs and that’s the only place it’s supported.
Go Unity! - LOL @ InstantAction Crap.
I wouldn’t recommend dissing GG’s Instant Action, as they are open to Unity games for that, you know.
There are currently a grand total of 59 games being hosted on IA. While IA is a neat concept, I don’t see it becoming popular enough for developers to consider making money through it anytime soon.
I much rather see more shockwave type portals or in-game advertising middlemen be open to Unity games. Hopefully as Unity plugin deployment numbers keep increasing we’ll see a change in that regard.
In terms of the topic. If, according to that blog, they don’t really view Unity as a prime competitor then they’re in for a big surprise. I think when 2.5 comes out you can just about stick a fork in Torque, it’s done. Maybe they can try paying their userbase money not to download the trial and see their game prototype up and running in a matter of days.
There really putting cold water on Unity…Some one mentioned its a Hobby Development kit!! I began cleaning my AK when I heard that comment…there are some hobbiest playing with Unity all good But there is some Top Notch Quality Titles being produced as well by Unity Dev Teams have they not seen some of The Quality Titles that Im producing!!
And more than that: Does he believe that complexity equals quality? Reminds me of those people who insisted that DOS was the shizzle because mac os was too easy.
I don’t want anything from Torque in Unity, something from Director, yes, something from BlitzMax, yes, but nothing from Torque.
Unity should be available for Windows, should have an enhanced and reworked IDE, feature certain, at least for me, critical features like switchable AA, software AA, soft bodies, shader editor, h.264 support, reworked syntax, ruby support, enhanced sfx possibilities, better documentation&tutorials, reduce the price for pro, stop charging for publishing options or reduce the prices/remove splash screens.
If you want to mimic a company than Luxology is very successful because they are doing a lot of things very right but try to get as much as possible away from GarageGames.