Hi, working on a get-to-know-each game for a friend. I updated to HDRP to add some cool VFX graph effects, but that broke the good ol’ custom blur shader I’ve been using for text transitions. I’ve been looking for a replacement but haven’t really found anything useful. Any ideas of how I can achieve an effect like this?
It’s such a simple transition so it feels like there’s probably a super easy solution that I’m just to stupid to come up with.
Followed this tutorial but unfortunately the blur doesn’t seem to apply to other UI elements, even though you can apply it in the UI, it hides the objects put behind it.
Yes, it need to be multiple steps, so a specific blur material would be the best solution. An image effect covers the whole camera, right? Then I’d need to start messing with multiple cameras and such which makes it a bit too complicated.
Anyhow, my friend is fine with scrapping the blur transition so it’s no issue for now, although would be nice to have for future projects.