GC Allocation Column on Profile Analyzer

Not sure why this isn’t a part of the analyzer since knowing GC allocations is pretty important for game performance. Is this planned for a future release or is the analyzer strictly for measuring and comparing time?



Thanks for your question on the Performance Analyzer, as you alluded to, it is primarily a tool for aggregating and comparing time, more specifically only CPU time, and uses the marker data from the profiler to achieve that function.

You can use it to see the marker behaviour associated with GC allocations by setting the name filter to GC which would enable you to see the counts of all GC named markers (and compare the behaviour between two datasets) but that would not include the actual allocated memory values - this is something we have under consideration for future functionality.

In the meantime the Memory Profiler preview package is another way to capture and compare memory state, you can access the package from the Package Manager, ensuring you have preview packages visible.
