GDC 2017 MWU Showcase - GET HYPE!

This year’s Game Developers Conference is a mere week away! You can go to our GDC landing page to get an idea of what Unity will be up to, like our livestreamed Keynote, booth, talks, etc. Will you be attending?

Something we’re very excited for is this year’s Made with Unity Showcase at our booth (South Hall #1402). We just announced the lineup of 22 games and experiences last week – check it out:

What do you think of our Showcase lineup? Which titles are you looking forward to and why? What are they doing in particular that makes them stand out from the crowd for you?

If you haven’t seen these titles before, we made a few short teasers to share:
Mobile | PC & Console | VR - Coming Soon

A few have even shared their stories on the MWU website:
Sonder | HoloGrid | Ghost of a Tale

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Personally, I am very excited to check out Ghost of a Tale. The game looks absolutely gorgeous and I loved reading the Redwall series when I was younger so the thought of playing as this little mouse on a big adventure is really appealing to me.

But seriously, how gorgeous is that game though?!

Hello from Switzerland,
I will visit your booth for sure.

You are welcome to my booth pl4732 to try Mars Colony VR :wink:

I would implore anyone attending to go check out Tokyo 42. I had the chance to check this out at Double Fine/Iam8bit’s Day of the Devs in November 2016 and it was just SO freaking cool.

Yooka-Laylee is high up on my list of games to play in 2017. I hope it tugs the heart strings in terms of nostalgia as I grew up on Banjo Kazooie as a kid.

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Really think Ghost of a Tale and Osiris are beautiful looking and will be entertaining.

@aliceingameland or anyone who knows - what is the criteria for award nominees?
Are the games selected by a committee? Do the games have to be submitted by the developers? I remember participating in voting on these games, but are they selected by the community only? Who selects the games that will be voted on by the community?
Seems Firewatch though only officially out since Feb 2016 has been in/around the awards scene for several years.

Of the games not in the lineup, I’m looking to enjoy Hidden Folks soon.

Tokyo 42 looks absolutely gorgeous, I’m really looking forward to it.

I had not heard of Euclidean Lands before. That looks like a lot of fun too! It’s not very easy to find anything in the mobile space that both works well with a tiny touch screen and is not free-to-play based. I’ll be getting that.

Ghost of a Tale looks like Redwall the game, which is a good thing. Osiris is landing in a really crowded market, so they’ll have to perform remarkably well to get noticed. Looks better than most of the competition, though.

It’s a nice lineup! Also cool to see some movies up there too. Andy Brammall from Unity had a cool talk on last year’s Konsoll about using Unity for storytelling in VR. It’s cool to see that stuff getting produced now.

I’m not going to GDC, but the rest of my company will be going. You can meet us at the GDC Play area’s Nordic section, (wearing the best in play badge!). We’re of course made with Unity too! Also check out another Unity-made BIP winner, Frostrune.

@aliceingameland , just to make sure: both the power rangers game and the emberstone game doesn’t have any links when you click them. That’s how it’s supposed to be, right?

Which awards are you referring to? We have our own process for the Unite Awards (which has a community voting component – so that may be what you’re remembering). The nominees listed on our Unity @ GDC landing page are for GDC Choice Awards and IGF Awards. They both have their own criteria/judging process which I don’t have full details for – but games released in 2016 are eligible. Since Firewatch came out so early in 2016, it probably just feels like a long time :slight_smile: I do know that the IGF judging panel consists of something like ~300 industry people who go through the hundreds (thousands?) of applicants. Pretty nuts!

@UnityMaru I totally missed Tokyo 42 at Day of the Devs - gotta check it out during GDC on your rec!

@Baste - I’ll check with our Made with Unity team to confirm, but if there’s no link, it’s likely because we had no where to link to at the time the site was last updated. Thanks for the note though - I’ll get it checked out :slight_smile:

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I can’t wait to play the latest build of World To The West! :smile: Probably what i’m most looking forward to doing at GDC!

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I’ll have to check both of those out! Congrats on the best in play badge as well!

Of the showcase lineup I’m really interested in playing Ghost of a Tale, it looks like a gorgeous stealth game. Outside of the lineup I need to make sure I get a minute to check out Ooblets due to how cute it is. It may even fill the void the harvest moon left in me.

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Any news on the issues people are having with the MWU website yet?

Have you tried Stardew Valley? I hear it’s very similar.