I am itching to get my hands on a Unity shirt, stickers and of course that coffee mug but it seems that unless you’re a lady or a baby you’re hosed. Will the Gear store ever be replenished or should I just have someone make me one with their Cricut?
At first I was like “Unity has a merch store?”
Then I googled and found this: https://unity3d.com/gear
Edit: Okay, the link to it is also in the footer. Why did I never saw that lol
Dang, didn’t know about this. I want to be one of the cool kids!
edit: Oh no, all the stuff says unavailable (maybe I should have actually read the OP)
Lol, is this another Unity halve backed preview API?
I want that cup, even is just ugly.
How actually you add stuff to cart?
Trying to look into cart.
What cart?
I went and asked people about this… the items that you see in the store today will not be replenished, BUT that’s because we are in the process of switching to a new supplier, who offers a whole new range of fancy schwag. (It will be the same supplier as we use for our internal employee gear, in fact).
Once the new supplier is fully set up, we’ll be looking at relaunching the store - currently we’re aiming for early 2021.
Well that’s cool! Looking forward to seeing the new stuff. I did really like the coffee mug though… reminded me of camping gear. Oh well, the next one may be better! YAY! Thanks for the reply!
Hurry up with the new Swag!!
LOL @superpig just for a joke. You should request to have a Shirt made with a single detail grass quad on it. To antagonize us HDRP people who really want Grasssssssss lol.
are we there yet?
Just have a t-shirt with preview package printed on it. We’ll know who you are.
Since we’re now in April, will the gear store be back up soon? I really want to get more shirts and hoodies
Use 3rd party stores. Don’t bother with Unity store. They don’t care by what it looks like.
@superpig Any news on this?
I’ve asked internally - probably won’t get an answer until after Easter weekend. FWIW I think the original plans got delayed for COVID reasons, but I’ll share what I can once I get an update.
I have bad news
The decision has been made to shutter the Gear Store for the time being. Sales were simply too low to justify the overhead and cost of continuing to operate it. Given the number of people in this thread who’ve said ‘I had no idea there was a Gear Store,’ perhaps it’s not surprising - but alas, it is a fait accompli for now.
If it were any other year, I’d suggest that your best chance of getting your hands on some swag would be to attend an in-person Unity event. Alas, the pandemic means we’re not doing those right now, but once the world starts to open back up again, be on the lookout for things happening near you. (And I for one am really looking forward to our next in-person Unite. I miss you all!)
I did hear a rumour that if you run into a member of the Evanglism team and say the secret passphrase “the three tree prefabs nest restlessly” three times quickly, then they are honour-bound to give you some kind of Unity-branded badge or pen - but it’s only a rumour, I’ve no idea if there is any truth to it.
The team responsible for the store are open to the idea of bringing it back in the future, once other priorities are dealt with and we can find a more cost-effective way of running it - but it’s unlikely to happen in 2021.
I’m sorry that it’s not a better situation. Speaking personally, I find it really heartening that you folks are willing to pay actual cash to get some Unity swag - I just wish we could fulfil that for you!
What’s preventing them from simply selling a few basic designs through a third party print on demand service like CafePress?
Should bring back the ‘free t shirt’ for plus/pro subscribers again
That’s a shame, but quite understandable.
I mean… If something doesn’t get advertised in any shape or form, then it’s not really a surprise, no. The link to the Gear Store was buried away down in the footer section and I personally never saw any banner or mention of it on any of the unity.com sites (but maybe I was just blind?). That way, it was destined to eventually fail at some point.
Also, Unity events - especially Unite - are great, but not everyone can attend them
Hopefully, there will be a solution in the future.