Gear VR Gamepad Input

What’s the recommended way of handling Gear Vr input with a gamepad? Oculus utilities? Or native Unity?
I have been using Rewired in my project before but it doesn’t quite work out.

In Herobound: Spirit Champion my PS4 gamepad works perfect. In my own game using Rewired for input, the PS4 controls are all misplaced.

What is everyone using to support gamepads on the Gear VR?

It worries me that an user will get random result depending on his gamepad.
I’ve tried to play games with an ouya controller, but the button mapping is totally messed up.
My guess is that you have to use the oculus utilities input settings for reference, and test with a Samsung EI-GP20 gamepad or equivalent. Oculus advices the SteelSeries Stratus XL. It would be better to see games with controller setup, not sticking to oculus control mapping. I considered using Rewired for future projects, maybe the author could bring Gear VR support if there is none.
Not sure if this is the way to go but i’m also interested to sort this out.