I’m having some issues with moving around my scenes with Gear VR. I have quite a simple setup where the player taps the touchpad and the camera will move to the location that the player was looking at when they tapped the pad.
It works okay in the editor when I tap the mouse button to simulate the touchpad. However, in Gear VR it moves in a completely different direction to the one requested.
The touchpad is initialised like this:
void Start () {
OVRTouchpad.TouchHandler += OVRTouchpad_TouchHandler;
Random.seed = level;
Input is then handled with a handler:
private void OVRTouchpad_TouchHandler(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
OVRTouchpad.TouchArgs touchArgs = (OVRTouchpad.TouchArgs)e;
OVRTouchpad.TouchEvent touchEvent = touchArgs.TouchType;
switch (touchEvent)
case OVRTouchpad.TouchEvent.SingleTap:
// Move and select things - but only if not already moving
if (!isMoving)
Vector3 hitPos = HitSquare();
if (!IsWater(hitPos))
// Just move for now
case OVRTouchpad.TouchEvent.Right:
// Create ground
// Can't create ground if moving
if (!isMoving)
// Work out if it's light green or dark green
Vector3 hitPos = HitSquare();
Vector2 pos2D = _3DToMap(hitPos.x, hitPos.z);
if (IsWater(hitPos))
// Place sand at this position
Color sand = new Color(1.0f, 0.921f, 0f);
map.SetPixel((int)pos2D.x, (int)pos2D.y, sand);
if (pos2D.x % 2 == 0) // Is even numbered column?
if (pos2D.y % 2 == 0)
// Is even numbered row, so dark green squares
map.SetPixel((int)pos2D.x, (int)pos2D.y, Color.green);
// Odd numbered row, so light green squares
map.SetPixel((int)pos2D.x, (int)pos2D.y, new Color(0.194f, 0.905f, 0.194f));
// Odd numbered column
if (pos2D.y % 2 == 0)
// Is even numbered row, so light green squares
map.SetPixel((int)pos2D.x, (int)pos2D.y, new Color(0.194f, 0.905f, 0.194f));
// Odd numbered row, so dark green squares
map.SetPixel((int)pos2D.x, (int)pos2D.y, Color.green);
The player looks at an area on the floor and taps the touchpad. The following code does a raycast to get the type of floor tile at the point looked at and stores the destination location. The camera then moves during the update.
Vector3 HitSquare()
Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
RaycastHit hit;
Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit);
return hit.point;
void MoveTo(Vector3 worldPosition)
isMoving = true;
moveDestination = worldPosition;
GameObject camContainer = GameObject.Find("CameraContainer");
moveDestination.y = camContainer.transform.position.y;
void Update () {
if (isMoving)
GameObject camContainer = GameObject.Find("CameraContainer");
float step = Time.deltaTime * moveSpeed;
camContainer.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(Camera.main.transform.position,
moveDestination, step);
if (camContainer.transform.position == moveDestination)
isMoving = false;
Like I said, it works fine in the editor but the camera moves off to a completely different direction in Gear VR.