Gears of Ender

Hey all, I thought I’d share something I started working on months ago, and i’m still working on it little by little…

“Gears of Ender” is a Coop-Multiplayer Action Game! (currently playable in the browser)
Inspired by Games such as Warframe and Firefall !

I enjoy both of Warframe and Firefall Game, but I wish I could fuse them together! as Warframe offers some Awesome Fast-paced Third-person Hack and Slash / Ninja, Shooter Action! But the Gameplay is way to Linear, and traps you inside of Spaceships throughout most of the game’s missions. I prefer to play in an Open World environment like Firefall! While Firefall is an amazing MMOFPS it just doesn’t give me the same Fast-paced Action I’m looking for that I find in Warframe.

So I came up with “Gears of Ender”! It’s really in the concept alpha stage, includes Coop-Muliplayer Gameplay, with Only One Character to Play as, you can use a Sword and Hand Gun to Slash and Shoot Up Incoming Waves of Enemies.

Check it out! Let me know what you think. Please Note: It is a little buggy, so you may find a number of glitches.


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*Bump dang, no one likes this game idea? LOL! no problem… I totally understand I guess the silence means I should give up on this project… :frowning:

Naaa lol! I’ll keep at it little by little… but would definitely love some feedback, so just bumping just in case some missed it. Check it out!

Nice looks promising

Okay, because no one else has responded so far as you have pointed out, I am going to make up for it by being very critical.

In order of most game breaking-ist:

  1. Slight Enders Game reference(s). Might not be intended, but with the movie out, you could be in some hot legal water if the studio feels it is necessary.
  2. At one point all enemy entities simply stopped and ran towards a certain point. They no longer attacked the player.
  3. They animation is very choppy when switching and some movements (ie jumping) had no purpose and destroyed immersion.
  4. The sword is very under powered compared to the gun which in itself could destroy every wave because of the point accuracy, and enemy falter.
  5. Attacking by melee is interesting at first but later is proven illogical as it had no major effect on the waves.
  6. Waves were difficult in the way that you made no satisfying progress without using the gun.
  7. No clear end objective or overall score.
  8. The level needs a barriers.
  9. HideMouseCursor problem after chat.

Overall I thought it was a very solid start with good multiplayer and currently redundant gameplay. That is my honest opinion. Good luck on your continuation.

Looks promising indeed. It reminded me of “GunZ”.
I personally think the “kill waves” game is kinda boring and is against a fast-paced action game philosophy. I think something like, get from A to B, killing tons of enemies on your way would be better.
Btw, while I was testing I played with 2 more people, and the multiplayer seems pretty good so far.
Overall, awesome start, subscribed :smile:

thank you all! especially LightSource and sequelator for the critical feedback! yes the game is very buggy and lots of work is needed for sure… I agree with all points, and suggestions. I know for a fact this is not really that good lol! it’s just a concept of a multiplayer action game mixed with sword and gunplay action. That’s all this current demo really shows, not much real gameplay, missions, or overall goal or anything has been developed yet. This is more of a long term project, the character, and environment assets are not even what I have fully in mind for the game, so really it’s all place holder stuff right now. But i’m glad at least you think it is a good start that requires alot of work lol! i’ll take and appreciate that much. = )

WHAT HAPPENED?? WHY DID U TAKE IT DOWN, U GAVE UP ON IT? You have to bring it back and continue working on it, all i can find is low alpha versions around the net doesnt exists anymore :(( this is a sick game even in alpha version i’ve tried its better than warframe its 10000 times better, u gotta keep it running, people expect that from you, there are people out there waiting for you to bring it back up! you gotta do it!

Sorry unfortunately this was just a prototype… make a good third person action combat game is tough, beyond getting the mechanics right, I didn’t have the resources to invest further into the art style of the game.