[GearVR] App rejected - Volume button and Back Button


we recently received the feedback for our oculus app. I’ll cite the problems

  1. The volume does adjust, however the UI does not appear - is there anything we need to do in the scripts to show it?
  2. Since when debugging the app is not run in the “Universal Menu” thingy of Oculus (Oculus home), how to test this? What do they want? How to archive it?

Can anyone help with this?

Best regards!

You have to do some things :

→ Edit the manifest file to add the universal menu activity
→ Add OVR Utilities to open this activity (and in your scene a gameObject with OVRManager.cs and OVRPlatformMenu.cs)
→ Depending on your Unity version, you will have to update OVR unity plugin (installed where the editor is installed).


I have a problem with Galaxy S6, in my case ^^’
But it works well on S7 ^^

Ok i thought with the newest unity versions it would not be necessary anymore to include Occulus SDK? A bit confusing.

You don’t have to include the SDK, the plugin.
The SDK is installed (but needs an update for some Unity versions) where you installed Unity on your computer.

BUT you still need the Utilities for the UniversalMenu

Using Galaxy S7 edge as hardware.

I am facing the same problem. Using Unity 5.3.5f1 for which I am using Oculus 1.5.0 and found some scripts missing like OVRvolumecontrol.cs (the prefab was there but not the script). Later on I found that script from an older version of Oculus tools then I put this prefab as a child to camera…this should work! But unfortunately it doesn’t, why? I got error msg of “missing Dll” then I downloaded the ‘OVRplugin’ as you mentioned so as Oculus. After unzip I found there’s two versions folder which needs to replaced 5.3 & 5.4. I copied and replaced as advised by Oculus in my unity/ editor/…Oculus folder. but still it’s not working.

Same with back button option. I created an empty gameobject then added OVR prefab (OVRPlatformMenu.cs and OVRManager.cs )which should work as - short, long press by with ‘escape’ keycode as described. But it’s not working either!

I would really appreciate if you could help us on this issue…totally messed up here.

somehow i managed to create the desired behavior, however it was a bit hacky. The worst part about this is that the app afterword got rejected (forever) without an explanation. This also happened for another app that we submitted. In this case it is double awful, because they said we need to fix it and afterwards they just reject it. All this besides the waiting time of about a month for the review… Oculus won’t be our favorite platform …