Is it possible to have something similar to the Gem Shader to work on the iPhone?
Is it possible to have something similar to the Gem Shader to work on the iPhone?
Some ideas:
simplest shader using spherical environment map:
Shader "EnvMap" {
Properties {
_EnvMap ("EnvMap", 2D) = "black" { TexGen SphereMap }
SubShader {
Pass {
Name "BASE"
BindChannels {
Bind "Vertex", vertex
Bind "normal", normal
SetTexture [_EnvMap] {
combine texture
Fallback off
Thanks ReJ
Unfortunately I am not familiar with shader programming.
I was not aware of the spherical environment maps, are they like cube-maps?
Now, the code you kindly provided is just to generate a reflection effect, correct?
How can I apply a second shader only to the back polygons?
Can you please explain the Fresnel term?
bakno - You need to do some homework before you ask someone to be your personal instructor.
10 Seconds on Google produces the following:
You are right kenlem, and thanks for the links, they explain each subject easily.
ReJ, please excuse me. I did not want you to be my instructor. Maybe I was overwhelmed by to many unfamiliar information. But now that is not the case.
From the spherical map description I understand it is a static shader. The thing is that I need to rotate the gems and make them look as nice as they do now with the gem shader.
I think I need to start learning about shaders.
Thanks again,
I am also very interested in getting a shader like this working on the iPhone. The sample spherical map shader by ReJ is a great start, and I’m just wondering how to add transparency and rotation to it.
Thanks for all your help.
Andres - Please excuse the tone of my message. I think it came out much harsher than I would have liked.
I don’t know much shader either and now is a good time to learn.
I’ll try the shader ReJ posted tonight and then work on how to render the back facing polygons.
Not a problem kenlem. You were right.