I’m part of a studio that works mainly selling unity assets. They are one of the most popular and best paid on their category so I wanted to give some feedback as an independent user of Unity.
Clients information
We don’t have any information about the clients we have, which are literally hundreds, if not thousands. Not even their usernames, or even location or any information we can gather at all. Just the number.
Having at least some statistics would help to tell us where our sells come from so we can invest in translation, for example.
Also, we don’t know where our asset is being used, or which project, and that’s really sad, because we’ve been told maybe our asset is used in some great games on the market and we don’t know about them or even be able to tell our buyers that we are gathering cool projects to feature on our website. We simple can’t, unless we are lucky they see the forum.
We can’t ping any user who left a bad review so they revisit it and change it. Sending a message would be dangerous, but just giving them a ping to remind them we fixed their problem and they still have a bad review in there… This was just an suggestion.
Basically, let the buyers of an asset connect with the sellers in a different way than the rest of the users. Those who seek support, should be, that way, easily identified through there. Not showing a support webiste and email to everybody.
Just because we receive too many emails who are not from real clients, but also pirates who got our asset from a torrent site. So we have to deal with it by hand, building and paying extra for our own support site, just because buyers don’t have a different connection with us after buying the asset.
Percentage of profit
I agree with the standard 30% of profit to be given to Unity, they deserve it. But, I think it’s not fair to keep it the same when an asset is successful. It should decrease slowly. Otherwise I don’t feel it’s nice to keep 30% if, for example, I sold and asset for 100k (whatever) and they get 30k because I decided this was going to be the price. The only difference with a 10 euro asset is the price. Not the bandwidth, not the piracy control, everything they offer us… etc. But the asset store takes 3 euros from them, and 30k from us…just because we were successful and decided to ask for more. Makes no sense, I know it’s industry standard, but I still don’t see the logic.
But since everybody thinks it’s fair, and they gave good ideas in the answers, I updated this whole post and… I’ll say no more.