General Practice question on calling a coroutine from itself

General question here, code wise, is there any issue doing this and calling a coroutine from itself? Or am I better off with InvokeRepeating… I can always add triggers to stop this coroutine when I need to, and I’ve never really found a need for InvokeRepeating… Thoughts? Reasons to do this or not to do this? Or any good logic as to why I should abandon this in favor of InvokeRepeating?

   IEnumerator SpawnEnemies()
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(enemySpawnDelay);
        int ch = (int)helpers.RandomBetween(0, EnemyFabs.Length);
        GameObject g = GameObject.Instantiate(EnemyFabs[ch]);

Forget about InvokeRepeating. It’s useful for quick prototyping but should not be used in production. Having a function referenced by a string… What an horrible practice…

While having a coroutine calling itself is technically possible, it’s not advised. It produces garbage, and no one likes garbage, especially the lazy garbage collector

Your couroutine could be written as follow :

IEnumerator SpawnEnemies()
     // Cache the WaitForSeconds for better performances!
     // Unless the wait duration must change between two spawns
     WaitForSeconds wait = new WaitForSeconds(enemySpawnDelay);

     // I suppose `spawnEnnemies` is a Boolean
     // You can set to ` false if you want to control when
     // The coroutine must stop.
     // You can use `while( true )` + StopCoroutine if you want
     while( spawnEnnemies )
         yield return wait;
         int ch = (int)helpers.RandomBetween(0, EnemyFabs.Length);
         GameObject g = GameObject.Instantiate(EnemyFabs[ch]);

Appreciate the info guys, was more curiosity than anything, been programming since the timex sinclair 1000 as a hobbyist, and it never hurts to ask! I especially didnt know about caching the Wait, and @Bunny83 , I will take a look at your CoroutineHelper! Thanks all!