General programming question

What do I need to dominate the Unityscript? study everything about javascript? if so, what is the best book to use as reference? made much progress and I would like to delve into the programming part of the Unity using JS. If not that, please show me the path. Thank you.

Unity JavaScript is not really like web JavaScript. It’s actually more like C# 3.0! Best to learn it in the context of Unity. Do tutorials etc. The language will come to you as part of that, especially if you already know other JavaScript, C, C++, Java, etc.

You should start watching tutorials like Tornado Twins’ series about creating a simple video game in unity(How To Make A Video Game [Unity3D Basics] Part 1 - YouTube) if you want to start dominating unityscripts or burgzergarcade’s series to dominate C#(

Dominating any programing language (or anything for that matter) is a simple matter of time, experimenting, trying things, doing tutorials, read the documentation and read what each class can do, browsing, even for questions that don’t necessarely concern you, you’ll learn tricks here and there. Mostly, I think it’s about trial and error, start with your goal in mind and work it out step by step, start small and expand more and more.