General Unity 2D Character/Environment Control Questions

After pretty much learning most of what there is to know about Unity, I’m now having trouble scripting for the game.

As of now, I want to make a 2D game, but I have no idea how to make the character move right, left, jump, crouch, slide, climb, fly, kick, punch, etc. I also have no idea how to make things speed up or slow down.

Additionally, how would I do stuff like make doors open when I come close to them and does Unity allow for breakable 2D environments?

I’m assuming there’s some sort of way to bind animations to a certain key, but I’m really unsure how controlling the character or environment goes.

These are all pretty much the pressing questions I have. I guess you could say I’m having trouble getting this to do what I want them to do and I just need someone or people to point me in the right direction.

Anyone need me to be more specific?

These tutorials helped me out…
They will explain how to move and such, and burgzerg gets really advanced with inventory and such.

YouTube Tornado Twins (maybe too basic…)

YouTube BurgZergArcade

If you have any specific questions like why wont this script work? Please ask us.

Good Luck!