Generate a NavMesh without a 3D meshed object


We are experiencing some trouble with NavMeshes. We are developing a 2D sprite-based sidescrolling game, and we can’t generate a NavMesh only with the colliders of the sprites, we have to add physical 3D meshed objecs in order to get the NavMesh created. However, this is absurd since we do not need any 3D modelled object or ground in a sprite game.

Is there any way to achieve this? Thanks.

A Nav Mesh for a 2D sidescrolling game? Why are you thinking that you need a Nav Mesh?

Our chasing AI is fairly complex, and for now we are dealing with it using Unity’s built-in NavMesh tool. Sure, we don’t need 3D obstacle avoidance, but for chasing and jumping purposes, it works perfect. Aside from the mesh thing, of course.