generate in real time terrain of the area the camera/player is in?

I saw GIGA and TerraWorld, And TerraWorld looks like a great asset.
But I need to know if it is possible to generate the entire world (earth as a sphere) while I fly with some GameObject X.
I want to zoom out the terrain, scroll the earth globe and then zoom in with TerraWorld as my terrain generator when I zoom in enough.
(You can think about it like google earth, but for a game)

is it possible using TerraWorld? (For the zoom-in terrain generation on demand?)

Hi, to ask questions regarding TerraWorld, please use one of the following threads:
& (As previously did)

But for future reference I’ll copy/paste the provided answer to your questions here too:

Currently TerraWorld is not multi-tiled and only supports one terrain per scene as you guessed but that’s on the roadmap:

But we are working on a new solution to stream large 3D environments from local/online servers. Please find more info about this solution as follows:

This solution will bring highly detailed 3D world chunks in a standalone local/remote server which can be streamed in Unity engine. The end goal is to merge this solution with our other product TerraWorld to mix nature scenes with urban areas for a full city generation service on cloud.

The first stage of the development process is focused on building and streaming terrain tiles with the ability to edit tiles and/or add models on top of it.

The second stage is to generate 3D buildings based on the best available geo-spatial data sources like ESRI, OpenStreetMap.

The third stage of the process is to add road & traffic system to generated scenes based on the real-world data.

With all the stages in place, we will end up with a highly detailed and accurate digital twin model of any city on Earth using available real-world data via advanced AI processing on cloud where it contains terrain surfaces, satellite images, 3D buildings and road system, nature elements, weather system, rendering style and possibly any type of modifications for a realistic or stylish scene.

Achieved environments and implemented solutions can be used in various platforms of AR, VR, MR, Desktop, console and etc. through various fields of gaming, navigation, mapping & GPS tracking, geology, flood control system, autonomous vehicle simulation, military training, municipality, real estate, tourism, agriculture, public transportation, educational, flight simulator, maritime, aerospace and etc.

You can see an early version of the solution in action in a mixed reality demo we worked on in the following video:

@Ofear Also the recent tech demo of TerraLand 4’s world streaming feature is showcased here: Kagoshima 2178: Galactic Nexus – TerraLand 4 Streaming Demo (Windows) – Forums – TerraUnity