First of all, I must warn you I am quite a newbie on Unity, so please excuse my dumb questions.
Anyway, I am developing a 2D platform game (similar do Robot Unicorn Attack), and I need to generate pickup items (like coins) randomly on the platforms. Problem is I have no idea how to do that. I already made my pickups, but they are the kind we manually place them on the screen. What I want to do is during the game, once the platform is visible, generate the pickups randomly.
Thank you very much for your help.
Make an array to hold your pickup prefabs, and place empty game objects above your platforms, where you want the pickups to be. You can make them children of the platform so it’ll be easier to find them. Have a script on the platform that determine when the platform is visible, that holds the pickup locations in an array of it’s own, then iterates over it and randomly chooses a pickup prefab from the pickups array.
You can hold the pickups array in an external class and reference it from every platform. Or you can have an array for each platform for greater control.
Without knowing more about the way you are coding this, the best answer I can give you is to look at the following…
The Instantiate command will let you create objects in the game world on the fly.
Hope this is of some help.
var prefab : GameObject;
var spawns = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag (“spawn”);
for (var spawnSpot in spawns)
Instantiate (prefab, spawnSpot.transform.position, spawnSpot.transform.rotation);
There you go. Spawns an object at all places tagged spawn