Generic list length?

if I convert mesh.vertices of 4000 vertices to a Genericlist “vertexlist”, and I ask for the vertexlist.Count and the vertexlist.Capacity, it tells me 65530.

How can I get the length of the generic list? It should be 4000 vertices also because I did
var vtxtemp = new List.(vertices);
Debug.Log( "count " + vtxtemp.Capacity );

I want to change the triangle to a new vertex added at the end of the vertices array.

Capacity is simply the current capacity of the list before it has to expand again. Count is the right way to get how many items are currently in the list. The framework handles the capacity if you are really interested you can google how .net/mono decides to expand a list.

To add to a generic list at the end simply use the AddRange to add a list or add to add an item (and let the framework worry about size).