I need to dump selected GameObjects to a file, with all their components and their components variable names and values.
Is there a generic 'getAttribute' kind of API I can call if I have a Component and I don't know the type?
I need to dump selected GameObjects to a file, with all their components and their components variable names and values.
Is there a generic 'getAttribute' kind of API I can call if I have a Component and I don't know the type?
You could always abuse reflection and generics for it.
Something like:
using System.Reflection;
//blah blah
public static T GetReference<T>(object inObj, string fieldName) where T : class
return GetField(inObj, fieldName) as T;
public static T GetValue<T>(object inObj, string fieldName) where T : struct
return (T)GetField(inObj, fieldName);
public static void SetField(object inObj, string fieldName, object newValue)
FieldInfo info = inObj.GetType().GetField(fieldName);
if (info != null)
info.SetValue(inObj, newValue);
private static object GetField(object inObj, string fieldName)
object ret = null;
FieldInfo info = inObj.GetType().GetField(fieldName);
if (info != null)
ret = info.GetValue(inObj);
return ret;
This has the benefit of working on any object, not just components. Use GetValue when you know it'll be a value type, GetReference when it'll be a reference type. Added SetField just for fun too (which works without generics for obvious reasons)
Hopefully pretty self explanatory
This should get me started:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System;
using System.Reflection;
class Introspect
static void IntrospectNow()
bool found1;
GameObject[] go = Selection.gameObjects;
Transform[] trs = Selection.GetTransforms (SelectionMode.Deep | SelectionMode.DeepAssets);
found1 = false;
foreach (Transform tr in trs)
Component[] components = tr.GetComponents<Component>();
for (int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++)
Component c = components*;*
*if (c == null)*
*Debug.Log(tr.name + " has an empty script attached in position: " + i);*
*found1 = true;*
*Type t = c.GetType();*
*Debug.Log("Type "+t);*
*Debug.Log("Type information for:" + t.FullName);*
*Debug.Log(" Base class = " + t.BaseType.FullName);*
*Debug.Log(" Is Class = " + t.IsClass);*
*Debug.Log(" Is Enum = " + t.IsEnum);*
*Debug.Log(" Attributes = " + t.Attributes);*
*System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fieldInfo = t.GetFields();*
*foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo info in fieldInfo)*
*Debug.Log("Field:" +info.Name);*
*System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] propertyInfo = t.GetProperties();*
*foreach (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo info in propertyInfo)*
*Debug.Log("Found component "+c);*
SerializeHelper can do what you ask for, at least for Transform and MonoBehavior components; Other types can be supported with some minor additions.