Geographical Data Visualisation in Unity3D

Hi, I am currently exploring how to represent data in Unity3D in a particular way but I am not sure where to start. I want to represent COVID-19 cases on a 3D sphere inside of Unity (representing Earth) so that a user could pan around the globe and see how many COVID-19 cases are in each region.

This would be similar to how COVID-19 has been representing visually on 2D graphs similar to this:

Screenshot taken from ArcGIS Dashboards

However I want to take that data and represent it more like this on a 3D globe using Unity3D:

Please let me know where I should start with approaching this project. Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

I’d start with how you’re going to even get all the data, which isn’t really a Unity question.

Assuming I already had the data in the format of case numbers paired with latitude/longitude coordinates, I’d simply use the below asset and either use the line renderer with longer lengths representing more cases, or just stretch a box to simulate a line.

If I didn’t have the data in that format, I’d work on figuring out how to convert it to that format. But how to do that would depend on what the data currently looks like.

Hi there, thanks for your comments, it helped me a lot !

If you want to do geographical datavizualisation with other tools, you can check this article, it presents solutions adapted to geographical Data Visualisation , it may help somebody