Geometry Algorithms

Geometry Algorithms is a collection of various mathematical algorithms that help you to generate, improve or analyze geometry. It is already available at the assetstore for a few years. At the moment it contains algorithms to create constrained (Delaunay) triangulations, (concave) hulls, and Voronoi diagrams. I started this thread to increase the interaction with the community and to share updates about the new features I’m developing.

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In the near future, I’m planning to add several new features and algorithms and the progress will be communicated and shared here with you. If you have any feedback or want to see an interesting algorithm improved or added to the asset, then let me know and I will have a look at it!

The following features are planned:

  • Add triangulation options (e.g. set the max size of the generated triangles)
  • Random point generation algorithms (e.g. uniform, Poisson disk)
  • Extrude algorithm
  • Editor extensions
  • Bounded Voronoi diagrams
    • … What would you like to see?

Currently, I’m working on adding additional triangulation options so that the user can create more advanced triangulations. For example, the user will be able to set the maximum area that the triangles can have in the generated triangulation. More information will follow soon.

In the meanwhile, I released an update that fixes a iOS building error when creating a build in Xcode. Some users experienced this problem, and they had to remove the “Example” folder from the asset to be able to create a successful build. This is longer necessary with the new update.

Another small update is made available today. It improves the results of the 3D triangulation; normals are now correctly calculated.