Get AudioClip from Path?,How to get AudioClip from a path?

Hiya. I am working on a project in Unity, and I’ve gotten stuck. I want the player to be able to select an audio file from their PC and have my program add it to a playlist to be listened to. I have a functional Playlist, and I can create space for a new song and open the explorer to let the player choose a file, but I can’t get program to add the AudioClip to the playlist.

public AudioClip[] currentPlaylist;
string path;
public AudioClip newSong;
public void OpenExplorer()
        path = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Add Song", "", "mp3");
 void GetSong()
        if (path != null)
 void UpdatePlaylist()

        WWW www = new WWW("file:///" + path);
        newSong = www.GetAudioClip();
        Array.Resize(ref currentPlaylist, (currentPlaylist.Length+1));

        currentPlaylist[currentPlaylist.Length-1] = newSong;

I’m scratching my head at what isn’t working, and I’m not sure if I need to make a fix to a bug here or if I just need to use a totally new approach. Sorry if this is a really simple question.

Here’s the code I use when getting audio files from the machine.
In this example, I save all of the clips to a list using public List<AudioClip> clips; and call the method by calling LoadAudio(filename);

Filename is the name of the actual file (“song.mp3”) and the path is something like “C:\Users\User\Desktop”.

Here’s the code for getting the file and adding it to the list;

    private IEnumerator LoadAudio(string name)
        WWW request = GetAudioFromFile(soundPath, name);
        yield return request;
        audioClip = request.GetAudioClip(); = name;

    private WWW GetAudioFromFile(string path, string filename)
        string audioToLoad = string.Format(path + "{0}", filename);
        WWW request = new WWW(audioToLoad);
        return request;

If you have any problems or questions, let me know.

Hope this helps!