Get component and light toggle

So i am a bloddy beginner with unity and i am supposed to use get componment to “find” a spotlight and then make it toggle by pressing a button, lets take the L button for now. I have no idea how to do it though… i watched tutorials and read some forum posts but nothing involving get component… and i dont really get it either… i need a javascript file. Can anyone help me out?

Thanks Guys.

(also sorry for grammer or spelling mistakes, i am german XD)

You don’t need to use GetComponent() to toggle a light, but you do need an instance of the light.
The code below finds a spotlight called “spotlight01” and toggles it using the L key.
(I’m sorry if I’ve dumbed it down too much.)

// This variable is a reference to the spotlight we find in Start().
private var lightToToggle : GameObject;

function Start () {
	// light is found here. This only needs to be called once, but will only find this specific light.
	lightToToggle = GameObject.Find("spotlight01");

function Update () {
	// Checks if the L key has been pressed.
	if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.L)){
		// Sets the value for the light's 'enabled' variable to its opposite.
		// If true, it will be set to false.
		// If false, it will be set to true.
		lightToToggle.light.enabled = !lightToToggle.light.enabled;